Give a sustainable gift to provide ongoing help

Many children come from families that are too poor to pay for schooling or even proper nutrition. One way to bless a child is by blessing the family with a sustainable gift such as a goat or chickens that can provide an ongoing source of food and even income. Ask us what gifts may be good for providing a sustainable source of income and/or nutrition.

School supplies

When you sponsor a child, you will provide much needed health care, clothing, shoes, and schooling. But that won’t cover all the expenses necessary to attend school. Many children cannot afford school supplies such as notebooks, pencils, soccer balls, game kits, and school uniforms. You can designate your donation to go toward school supplies for a particular child—for instance, your sponsored child—or just to be used to get supplies where needed. You can also designate your donation to help teachers with getting their supplies (books, charts, etc.).

It’s preferable to send money instead of merchandise because that way local merchants can benefit which helps local families earn a living wage.

Special events

For many of the children attending our school or orphanage, just having the basics such as a place to sleep and enough food to eat is all they need to be content. But it sure is nice to have a treat once in a while. If you are wanting to bless a particular child, or would just like to bless a number of children, you can designate your donation for a special event like these:

  • Christmas Dinner. Each child will receive a big plate full of food including meat and soda. For many children, this is the only time they will have meat and soda, which is a special treat.
  • Start of the school year. Bless a child with some new clothes and shoes for the new school year.
  • Graduation. For those graduating to the next level in their education, you can bless a child with a new outfit. They rarely get new clothes. If you would like to bless a child but are not sure what to get them, just let us know and we will get them something that they have been needing or wanting.